Table 1.

Characteristics of TORS Studies Included in the Review

TORS Study Year Number of Patients Follow-up (Months) Final Negative Margins HPV Status Adjuvant Treatment
None RT Alone CRT
Cohen et al.20 2011 50 24 47 (94%) HPV-positive: 37/50 (74%) 9 (18%) 12 (24%)* 27 (54%)*
Weinstein et al.53 2010 31 24 31 (100%) 7 (22%) 12 (39%) 12 (39%)
Park et al.56 2013 39 oropharyngeal carcinoma of various types (32 OPSCC) 24 37 (95%) 14 (35.9%) 21 (53.85%) 4 (10.25%)
Cognetti et al.58 2012 30 18 29 (97%) 8 (26%) 11 (37%) 11 (37%)
Hurtuk et al.59 2011 54 11.8 50 (92.6%) 5 (9%) 15 (28%) 34 (63%)
Weinstein et al.61 2010 47 26 46 (98%) 5 (10.6%) 18 (38.3%) 24 (51%)
Genden et al.62 2011 30 18 30 (100%) 5 (17%) 11 (36%) 14 (47%)
White et al.63 2010 89 HNSCC of all sub-sites (77 OPSCC) 24 89 (100%) 33 (37%) 13 (15%) 43 (48%)
Moore et al.68 2012 66 36 65 (98.5%) HPV-positive: 44/61 (72.1%) 11 (16.7%) 14 (21.2) 41 (62.1%)
* 2 more patients (4%) received adjuvant chemotherapy.

CRT chemotherapy and radiation therapy; HNSCC, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; HPV human papillomavirus; OPSCC, oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma; RT, radiation therapy; TORS, transoral robotic surgery.

RMMJ Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal Rambam Health Care Campus 2014 April; 5(2): e0010. ISSN: 2076-9172
Published online 2014 April 28. doi: 10.5041/RMMJ.10144