Table 1.

Selected List of Jewish Writers Who Committed Suicide in the Pre-war/War Period.

Name Type of Writer Year of Suicide
*Kurt Tucholsky Satirist, novelist, playwright 1935
*Egon Friedell Theatre critic, journalist 1938
*John Höxter Theatre critic, playwright 1938
*Ludwig Fulda Playwright, author, journalist 1939
Ernst Toller Historian, playwright, novelist 1939
Walter Benjamin Philosopher, author, essayist 1940
Walter Hasenclever Novelist, historian 1940
Stefan Zweig Novelist, essayist, playwright, librettist 1942
Alfred Wolfenstein Historian, anthologist, playwright (last published in 1936) 1945
Paul Federn Psychoanalyst, editor, author, critic (last published in 1941) 1950
*Although these writers died in Vienna and Berlin, “crisis of exile” was expressed by their literal fear of exile, which led to their suicides.
RMMJ Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal Rambam Health Care Campus 2015 October; 6(4): e0040. ISSN: 2076-9172
Published online 2015 October 26. doi: 10.5041/RMMJ.10225