An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc., usually as some form of binary object. The name of referred object is rmmj-7-1-e0010-g001.jpg

Figure 1.

Michelangelo Buonarroti.

Sonnet V (“Caudate sonnet”) of Michelangelo to his friend Giovanni da Pistoia and sketch by Michelangelo of himself painting the Sistine Chapel, 283 × 200 mm. (Fondazione Casa Buonarroti, Florence, Italy). Attribution: Michelangelo [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

RMMJ Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal Rambam Health Care Campus 2016 January; 7(1): e0010. ISSN: 2076-9172
Published online 2016 January 28. doi: 10.5041/RMMJ.10237