Supplement: Abstracts from Rambam Research Day

Abstracts from the Fourteenth Rambam Research Day, December 7, 2017

Edited by Shraga Blazer and Ehud Klein


This Supplement of Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal presents the abstracts from the Fourteenth Annual Rambam Research Day. These abstracts represent the newest basic and clinical research coming out of Rambam Health Care Campus—research that is the oxygen for education and development of tomorrow’s generation of physicians. Hence, the research presented on Rambam Research Day is the foundation for understanding patient needs and improving treatment modalities. Bringing research from the bench to the bedside and from the bedside to the community is at the heart of Maimonides’ scholarly and ethical legacy.

Rambam Maimonides Med J 2018;9(1):e0010